CANTORAL CARDENAS ABOGADOS, S.C. (hereinafter “the firm”) with address at Carretera Mexico Toluca 5420, office 2201, Lomas de Vista Hermosa, Cuajimalpa, C.P. 05100, in Mexico City, is the data controller responsible for the processing and protection of your personal data, which are treated strictly confidentially, in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals (the “Law”).
Personal data collected and purposes
The personal data that we collect and process through this or any other means, its customers, suppliers and / or candidates to occupy a job vacancy, are provided voluntarily by the owner of personal data, for the purposes of the relationship that originates or could originate between the parties.
Consequently, the personal data that is collected and processed will be used for the following purposes:
Primary: academics, the development of legal consultations and the provision of legal services entrusted to us, as well as their integration into our internal records for the sending of academic information, legal information and updates regarding the provision of our legal services. It is also for administrative and billing purposes to help in responding to inquiries and comments submitted through our website. In the case of a resume (C.V.), it is to establish contact for potential recruitment, selection, and/or hiring processes.
Secondary: commercial and/or marketing purposes including the delivery of information about our services, events and newsletter in addition to (ii) statistical purposes.
For the aforementioned purposes, we need to obtain the following personal data:
Identity: name, nationality, date and place of birth, age, gender, marital status, names of family members, dependents, beneficiaries, tax identification number (RFC), unique population registry code (CURP), home phone, mobile phone and email address. In the case of candidates applying for a position in our firm, their social security number is also required.
Education-related: educational background, degrees, affiliations, professional license, certificates, and recognitions, among others.
Professional: professional experience, position, work address, work phone, work email and professional and personal references.
Financial or Asset-related: information about bank accounts and/or payment methods.
Sensitive: will only be collected in case of strict necessity in connection with the services provided by the firm. This may include health status, religion, racial or ethnic origin, nationality or legal situation in case of involvement in a criminal process or having been convicted.
With respect to sections iv and v, in accordance with Article 8 of the Law, we require your explicit consent for the processing of your personal data of a 'financial and asset-related' and/or 'sensitive' nature, if applicable. If you do not express your opposition to the processing of your financial and/or asset-related personal data, it will be understood that you give your consent since these will have the purpose established in section IV of Article 10 of the Law. Regarding sensitive data, a prior request will be made for their processing, if strictly necessary.
As well as any other information you provide to us in relation to the aforementioned purposes.
You may express your refusal regarding the processing of your personal data for secondary purposes within 5 (five) business days after providing your data by sending an email to our privacy department: cantoralabogados@cca.legal. In this case, your data will be included in an exclusion list for use in secondary purposes. If you require further information, you may request it at the aforementioned email address.
In accordance with Article 68 of the Regulations of Personal Data Law and Article 36 of said Law, you expressly consent and authorize any transfer of your personal data that the firm makes to its related companies and subsidiaries. The firm guarantees that the transfers made will at all times comply with the provisions of Article 36 of the Personal Data Law and Article 68 of the Regulations of Personal Data Law.
Likewise, the transfer of personal data may be carried out regarding those required by federal or local authorities, those for which you had previously given your consent, or those that you have provided us to be presented or transferred to specific third parties as part of a procedure, litigation, or a legal matter. Your personal data may only be transferred without the need to obtain your consent in the cases provided for in Article 37 of the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties.
Security Measures
The firm and all our staff recognize the importance of proper handling of your personal data. As a result, we inform you that we have sufficient security measures in place for the protection, confidentiality and security of your personal data with the purpose of restricting access to unauthorized persons. Likewise, our employees, representatives, subcontractors, consultants and/or third parties involved in any phase of the processing of your personal data will maintain confidentiality regarding them – an obligation that will persist even after the end of the relationship between said parties.
Exercise of ARCO Rights and/or Revocation of Consent for the processing of personal data
You have the right to access, rectify or cancel your personal data, to oppose its processing, limit its use or disclosure or to revoke the consent that you have granted us for the processing of such data.
The exercise of the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and and opposition (ARCO rights) can be asserted through a free-form written request that complies with the information and minimum attachments described by the Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals. This request should be sent by email to the following address: cantoralabogados@cca.legal.
The revocation and the exercise of ARCO rights will be free of charge, as well as the submission via email.
Limitations on the use and/or disclosure of your personal data:
If you need to limit the use or disclosure of your personal data, you must request it from our privacy department at the email address cantoralabogados@cca.legal and follow the same procedure established for the exercise of ARCO rights.
Use of cookies
The firm may use various technologies to improve the efficiency of its website, including the use of cookies. A cookie is brief information that our website sends to your computer, which is stored on the hard drive, allowing the next time you enter our website, we use the information stored in the cookie to facilitate your use of our site. You can set your browser to notify you when you receive a cookie so that you can accept or reject it.
Modifications to the Privacy Notice
The firm reserves the right to update and/or modify the terms of this privacy notice at any time, in which case it will communicate such changes on its website https://www.cca.legal. If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy practices, we ask that you contact us through the email address cantoralabogados@cca.legal. Similarly, if you do not wish to continue receiving our newsletter or any other notices, we request that you inform us accordingly.
Last updated: January 1, 2024